Rohde & Schwarz: BaM Shortlist – Publish

Rohde & Schwarz: BaM Shortlist – Publish

IABM Journal

Rohde & Schwarz: BaM Shortlist – Publish

Journal Article by Rohde & Schwarz

Tue 20, 12 2022

TH1 from Rohde & Schwarz takes a radical approach to high-power transmitters, reducing energy consumption, increasing resilience and unlocking new revenues.

Featuring an internal architecture that is designed for high resilience, the TH1 can continue to transmit even in the event of circuitry failure through self-diagnosis and repair, minimising the need for preventative and emergency maintenance. With this innovative design, R&S has ensured that remote transmitter locations are able to operate without staff on site. Status and data from the transmitter is available as an HTML5 feed and as standard monitoring formats like SNMP allowing supervision and management of the complete system from any location.

The power amplification stage of a transmitter is traditionally seen as a high consumer of energy. Taking every aspect of the transmitter into consideration, with this new design R&S has increased the power efficiency of the transmitter by at least 15% over even the most efficient of current designs, significantly reducing energy consumption for the same output power.

The TH1 features a liquid-cooled design, which makes a major contribution to reducing energy consumption. In an air-cooled transmitter, heat generated by the power amplifier stage goes into the building atmosphere, calling for large air conditioning plant to keep the systems within tolerances.

In a liquid-cooled transmitter, the heat exchangers are outside the building where natural convection carries it away. The reduced or eliminated need for specialist air conditioning reduces the initial cost of installation, and further slashes operating expenditure and energy demand. Eliminating the reliance on air conditioning also removes another critical point of failure and requirement for continuing maintenance.

The TH1 delivers sustainable broadcasting in the connected world, empowering broadcast network operators to serve their existing market and develop new revenue opportunities with greater cost-efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, higher resilience, and a lower environmental impact.

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