Like many powerful technologies, the list of benefits from moving to the cloud is long and varied. It starts with the familiar cries of scalability, flexibility and cost reduction but continues with advantages that not all companies need such as moving to remote production workflows or reduced time to market. The total list may be more than 20 entries long and to newcomers can seem vague and overwhelming. As an open and honest partner, it’s our role at Techex to ensure everyone we work with understands exactly how they will benefit and, most importantly, the ways in which they won’t.
Network Media Service Supply Chain
With the emergence of cloud applications and services, changes in business and technology in the M&E market are accelerating. The multitude of streaming formats and platforms has pushed the technology used up to now, to implement the media supply chain to the limit, revealing its limitations and overwhelmed by the complexity of localization, UHD/HDR production and content distribution, among others. A successful media supply chain requires an efficient multiplatform reception, production and distribution of contents.
Defense by Design: How Caching Enables Resilience
Business resilience depends on reliable cybersecurity, but relying only on traditional security tools can leave aspects of your business vulnerable. Resilience for digital business starts with high availability and scalability – guaranteeing performance and uptime for websites and apps, no matter what levels of traffic are thrown at them. This can be achieved with caching technologies.
Relying on the cloud for revenue protection
As an industry, we talk a lot about “business continuity” or “disaster recovery.” But what we actually mean is “revenue protection.”
Securing broadcast synchronization against malicious attack
Synchronization is a fundamental requirement in all content generation and broadcast; used extensively both in SDI / HDI formats and in IP packet based systems. Synchronization signals are typically generated from equipment including sync pulse generators, master sync references, and for the IP format, Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) grandmaster clock generators. Most sync generators encapsulate a very accurate internal clock which is synchronised to an external reference, which for the vast majority of manufacturers is a GPS & GNSS satellite timing signal. Consequently sync generators are connected to an outside GNSS antenna via coaxial cable or fibre optic cable, like those supplied by ViaLite Communications.
The Path to Business Resilience and The Cloud. From Sonic Boom & Crispy Chips to Kubernetes & Culture Change.
John O’Loan is CEO at iOMedia Group LNS. After launching Sky News, he assisted in the launch and operations of more than 40 other news, sport and documentary channels around the world. He holds an Executive Masters Degree in Culture Change at HEC Paris and The University of Oxford. In this article, he discusses how companies can best protect themselves from cyber threats.
Mitigating the effects of ransomware on television post-production
Unlike a car crash, a ransomware attack is most likely uninsurable. So, the effects on a major media enterprise, production company or post facility can be totally devastating. Here’s why we should all be concerned, however big or small an organisation.
Protecting Media Assets – Risk and Resilience
The sudden shift to remote working within the media industry saw an incredible turnaround, with workflows being instated quickly to ensure that quality content creation could continue. Existing media tools were adapted to enable workers from around the globe to access content and contribute to production, all whilst the industry came to terms with wider logistical challenges. A quick rollout of infrastructure saw big changes in how the industry managed their assets; suddenly, data that would have been very difficult to access needed to be available to workers from their homes.
Why Your Cybersecurity Resilience Strategy is Not Good Enough
Even with the global cost of online crime reaching $6 trillion by 2021.
Even with 50% more cyber-attacks per week on corporate networks in 2021.
Even with the world’s most influential technology leaders claiming cybercrime to be the greatest threat to every company in the world.
…the fact of the matter is most broadcasters are woefully underprepared when it comes to protecting their businesses from cyber-attacks. And this is a big problem.
Zero Trust; the new security paradigm for a multi-connected world
Media companies are connecting across more platforms, services, and networks all the time and securing content or broadcast/streaming data has never been more important… and more difficult.