As the broadcasting business becomes more and more focused on efficiency – as is the case in all industries – changes in the administration of rights and royalties are not fundamental in their nature but are generally motivated by economic effectiveness. For a number of years, broadcasters have focused on maintaining as small an inventory of purchased rights as possible; currently there is increasing focus on this to further drive economic efficiency. However, this minimalization still has to provide the necessary flexibility to enable changes in broadcast planning so that broadcasters can react to competitors in order to achieve the best, or desired, position in the market by using the inventory in the most effective way. In the case of commercial broadcasters, they also have to secure the flexibility to respond to the market situation with the aim of maximizing their revenue.
Newsbridge + AFP Webinar: Cloud-Based Production During Confinement
Recently Newsbridge CEO Philippe Petitpont spoke (virtually) with AFP’s Editorial Technical Production Department Manager Yves Tassel in regard to how AFP team’s have adapted to confinement and remote work by increasing their remote production capacity. More specifically, the two discussed how AFP was able to create a fully dematerialized infrastructure in the cloud in order to access and work with content quickly and efficiently, all while avoiding VPN, latency and bandwidth issues, just to name a few.