This presentation will explain how 5G creates a new ball game in many domains. The high-speed network capability of 5G will enable UHD experiences, multi-view in HD, as well as high-quality immersive AR and VR video delivery. The low-latency aspect of 5G networks is crucial to allowing high QoE for VR and AR applications. In addition, the session will explore the edge cloud architecture (MEC) supported by 5G, enabling edge processing for use cases such as sports arenas, cloud VR and gaming.
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CEO, Peter White, and Head of Insight and Analysis, Lorenzo Zanni share IABM’s latest research and analysis of the current state of Broadcast and Media, and how its future is likely to unfold over the coming months and years.
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Data Week AI/ML & AnalyticsFostering Effective Collaborative News Production in COVID-era Newsrooms using Neural AI Multimodal Recommendation TechniquesMichael Elhadad, Director of Research & DevelopmentSPEAKER BIOMichael Elhadad is a co-founder of Dalet and serves as a Member of the Management Board and Director. Mr. Elhadad has been Director of Research & Development of the group since 1996. Mr. Elhadad graduated from Ecole Centrale de Paris and has a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from Columbia University. He is the author of over 50 papers on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistics.As news production teams are increasingly forced to work in a dispersed manner, technology solutions can partially alleviate the lack of co-location to create connections among journalists. We report on an experiment where AI techniques are used to recommend multi-media content to journalists when they are working on their stories. These techniques rely on dramatic, recent progress in Natural Language Processing and Vision research, including neural pre-trained Transformer models such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers). At Dalet, we have developed a news recommendation system for journalists as a set of cloud-based SaaS APIs. In this talk we will report on user experiments with journalists that cover text and video in multiple languages...
The COVID 19 pandemic has accelerated the ongoing transformation of the media landscape and its new modes of consumption and businesses are constantly under pressure to meet end-user needs that are becoming more and more demanding. Consumer’s expectations today include a larger choice of content, a personalized viewing experience, broadcast-grade video quality and ubiquitous availability – consume everywhere, anytime, on any device and connection. Learn more about the acceleration of cloud and virtualization for media production.
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Media supply chains in the cloud are more popular than ever, with the ability to pay-as-you-go for best-of-breed tooling in a SaaS model, being a major attraction. Organizations which operate their own private cloud environments, however, don’t have to miss out on elastic transcode capability as a supply chain component. Dalet shows how a Docker-container based deployment and auto-scaling transcode capability can be added to existing, secure, audited, cloud environments
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MediaKind Application Paper
While the concept of ‘X’-as-a-Service is not new, it is the new on-trend topic for the Telecom, Media & Entertainment (M&E) industry. In fact, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is now abuzz all across the media space. So why now?
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