Dalet – Fostering Effective Collaborative News Production in COVID-era Newsrooms
Data Week AI/ML & AnalyticsFostering Effective Collaborative News Production in COVID-era Newsrooms using Neural AI Multimodal Recommendation TechniquesMichael Elhadad, Director of Research & DevelopmentSPEAKER BIOMichael Elhadad is a co-founder of Dalet and serves as a Member of the Management Board and Director. Mr. Elhadad has been Director of Research & Development of the group since 1996. Mr. Elhadad graduated from Ecole Centrale de Paris and has a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from Columbia University. He is the author of over 50 papers on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistics.As news production teams are increasingly forced to work in a dispersed manner, technology solutions can partially alleviate the lack of co-location to create connections among journalists. We report on an experiment where AI techniques are used to recommend multi-media content to journalists when they are working on their stories. These techniques rely on dramatic, recent progress in Natural Language Processing and Vision research, including neural pre-trained Transformer models such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers). At Dalet, we have developed a news recommendation system for journalists as a set of cloud-based SaaS APIs. In this talk we will report on user experiments with journalists that cover text and video in multiple languages...