FM & DAB+ transmitters of the SWR now in operation
The quality of the installation of the antenna system is at least as important as the quality of the products themselves to ensure safe and trouble-free operation over a long period. With transmitter powers of up to over 100 kW, even small errors could mean serious damage to the material.
The antennas of the Südwestrundfunk (SWR) at the "Hochblauen" location in the southern Black Forest were completely renewed or replaced in the last half of the year. A very special and tailor-made antenna system was used here for the first time, which made special planning by the KATHREIN engineers necessary. To save space, 3 vertically polarized DAB dipoles were nested in the horizontally polarized VHF system consisting of LogPer antennas. For this, numerous simulations and measurements were necessary in order to meet the specifications in the end.