Temperature Check Kiosks as a First Line of Safety Defense

Temperature Check Kiosks as a First Line of Safety Defense


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Temperature Check Kiosks as a First Line of Safety Defense

Blog from Diversified

Fri 27, 11 2020

Thought leaders discuss the capabilities of Diversified’s VitalSign and its role in helping protect what’s important—people’s safety

As businesses continue to slowly reopen amid the ongoing pandemic, safety is naturally a top priority to protect employees as well as customers. Jay Leedy, director of business development at Diversified, and Paul Harris, CEO/CTO of Aurora Multimedia Corp, join Daniel Litwin, ProAV Podcast host, to discuss how VitalSign temperature check kiosks offers a different kind of safety enhancing solution.

Powered by Aurora, Diversified’s Vitalsign is a contactless temperature check kiosk that also scans for masks, can log data for future reference and offers remote monitoring capabilities. With a customizable interface, the system can be tailored to meet each client’s specific needs and screening process requirements.

“Our customers have really gravitated towards the idea that this device can serve a purpose in their facilities long-term rather than just as temperature check kiosks,” says Leedy. “VitalSign is also a solution for light weight digital signage serving the need for corporate communications and situational awareness.”

Listen to the full discussion here.

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