That’s a Wrap! Newsbridge Top 10 Highlights of 2020

That’s a Wrap! Newsbridge Top 10 Highlights of 2020


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That’s a Wrap! Newsbridge Top 10 Highlights of 2020

Fri 26, 02 2021

It’s fair to say that this past year we’ve been up, down and all around. Literally overnight lives changed drastically and for the first time we were living through the kind of global pandemic that we’d only read about in history books. I think we can all agree that we’re living in unprecedented times.

That said, despite the extremely low lows of 2020 there were also some silver linings. With international lockdown and increasing work from home orders, many families were reunited, pollution rates steadily dwindled, digitization peaked, the season of innovation flourished.. and hey we were also graced with free balcony concerts from across the globe!

In times of crisis, human will will always prevail, or at least that’s what we’ve found here at Newsbridge. Here are some of the team’s top 2020 highlights:

1) New Office 

Right before confinement hit, Newsbridge moved its headquarters 2 blocks down and 7 stories up! In order to accommodate the growing team, it was time for an office upgrade and a new view of our beautiful neighborhood. Needless to say the entire team is pleased with our blue sky bureau and still waiting for a post-covid time to do our housewarming party or ‘crémaillère’.

2) R&D Gains and New Product Releases Recap 

One way Newsbridge has been able to differentiate itself from competition is our continuous commitment to evolve and stay abreast of the latest trends in Multimodal AI along with taking our customer feedback into account and turning it into actionable solutions within the platform. This year, alongside hiring a new in-house AI Researcher focused solely on improving Multimodal AI applied to transcription and speaker detection, we had a total of 7 new product releases ranging from SRT Live Stream transmission protocol & YouTube integration to a reimagined cart experience and updated media player keyboard shortcuts, just to name a few!

Now users can send their videos directly to YouTube from Newsbridge’s MAM & production platform.

Check out all of our new product releases here.

3) Growing Client List: Top european sports organizations 

Newsbridge is proud to be the MAM of choice for the French Federation of Rugby along with a growing list of other top european sports organizations, one of which is soon to be publicly announced this upcoming year…so stay tuned!

Take a look at how Newsbridge is helping the FFR with AI powered indexing technology composed of facial recognition, smart label detection, content organization and cognitive research here.

4) New Faces!

This year Newsbridge added 4 new and talented employees to the mix:

  • Gael, Back-end Dev
  • Emilie, Account Manager
  • Olivier, DevOps
  • Yannis, AI Researcher
  • Romain, Solutions Architect

Together, this group of new employees boasts combined backgrounds in broadcast and systems engineering, corporate dev and specialized PhD research. We’re certainly thrilled to welcome you to the team. (Special shout out to all of our amazing interns not listed!)

5) Covid Crisis Averted: Rescue Remote Solution for our Clients 

Out of all of our annual accomplishments, this is perhaps our proudest point. Here at Newsbridge, one of our values is the fact that we’re ‘User-Focused’, always putting our clients first. When global lockdown first hit in the early months of 2020, our cloud-based Multimodal AI powered Media Asset Management Platform allowed production teams to kick-off rough cuts in a matter of minutes. At the same time, our SOS remote production solution gave our clients unprecedented access to content from the comfort of their own home- promoting collaborative workflows among shared content while teams were working apart, avoiding on-rem bandwidth and server capacity issues. In return, our users experienced an uptick in employee autonomy and ROI with a major decrease in production time.

Here are a couple of our case studies:

TF1 Media Factory + Newsbridge Remote Production

Newsbridge + AFP Webinar: Cloud-Based Production 

6) Launching our Media Asset Collections powered by Multimodal AI

This year we worked hard to re-think the media asset management experience for sports and media rights holders. In response, we released our latest innovative feature powered by AI: Collections.

Collections of media that automatically update with matching content, and are made available to the story producing team members and partners.

Media logging, organizing and sharing your assets is an essential part of your everyday workflows. Media room collaborators spend lots of time searching and grouping media assets from different places to match their project needs. Collections is now dramatically simplifying the way you access and give access to your media assets while also gaining more insight from your content.

7) 1000 LinkedIn Followers

You love us, you really really love us! This year we were beyond excited to hit our 1k followers mark on LinkedIn. It’s amazing to see our network growing in parallel to our business growth. We have some new milestones to reach for 2021…watch out 2k here we come!

8) Newsbridge’s New Website Launch: Showcasing Multimodal AI

Among an array of new and improved functionalities, this year we unveiled a newly designed website highlighting Newsbridge’s next-level Multimodal AI technology which allows production teams to cognitively index digital media assets via cross-analysis of facial, language, object and context detection.

The newness didn’t stop there! We also worked on a new version of our logo:

9) Most Read Insight Piece of 2020: Understanding Multimodal AI

This past year according to Google Analytics, we saw that our most popular blog insight piece was:

Multimodal AI: Computer Perception and Facial Recognition. This article recapped the multimodal approach that Newsbridge’s technology uses to identify specific sequences through various metadata, and how it is the same logic that the human brain uses to better perceive external scenarios and draw conclusions.

For a complete overview, check out the article for yourself!

10) Annual Newstrip 

Every year the team takes part in a highly anticipated, yet quite mysterious, team building week-end event. This past year’s Newstrip (fortunately pre-covid) was held at a chateau south of Paris with a Murder Mystery Dinner Party theme and various top secret team building activities. It was a great opportunity for the team to celebrate its accomplishments from the previous year and enjoy the company of our awesome colleagues.

Newsbridge Thoughts: Gratitude for 2020+  

Despite the obvious difficulties of 2020, Newsbridge has been working extremely hard to provide top tier solutions for our clients and their unique media asset management and cloud production needs related to digital transformation. Throughout the entire year we have remained ever-grateful as a team to be helping others ‘carry on as usual’.

As a team we’re really proud of all that we have accomplished over the past year and looking forward to our upcoming initiatives. Stay tuned for our soon to be published blog post featuring our 2021 highlights to come!

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