The Cloud: A Comprehensive Overview

The cloud is now a required component of every Media & Entertainment company. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the ‘Cloud’ for beginners to intermediates from a variety of backgrounds who want to have a better understanding of what it is, key terms, the main types of cloud and the benefits and drawbacks of different types of deployment and how to optimise for performance and cost.

In this course, you will learn the core concepts, features and benefits of the cloud. You will discover how the cloud developed into what it is today and may become in the future.

You will understand the various types of Cloud, including: local, private, public, hybrid and multi clouds, their key features and the benefits you could achieve from them. You will explore different consumption models from CapEx onsite to IaaS, PaaS and SaaS (and what this all means).

Diving a little deeper, you will learn about Object Storage and the cloud for app deployment from bare metal to server-less. You will also understand the typical billing models and how to save money with the cloud and make a true cost comparison. We will finish with a look about the cloud and related technologies in the future.

The course includes examples from multiple cloud service providers as well as some guidance that may help you on your journey to the cloud or to optimise your existing cloud setup.

For more information, please contact

Course Outline

  • Define the ‘Cloud’ and cloud terminology
  • Brief history of the Cloud and connectivit
  • Types of Cloud:
    - Local / On Premise
    - Private (and data centres)
    - Public
    - Hybrid Cloud
    - Multi-Cloud
  • Consumption Models:
    - Capital vs Operational Expenditure
    - Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
    - Platform as a Service (PaaS)
    - Software as a Service (SaaS)
    - Managed services
  • Typical cloud use cases
  • Benefits and drawbacks of approaches / solutions
  • Examples of providers, platforms and solutions
  • Migrating to the cloud
  • Remote working
  • Core components
  • Other components, such as AI, big data, etc.
  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud Compute and Serverless
  • Cloud Security
  • Software deployment options
  • Designing and diagramming the cloud
  • Cloud networking, connectivity and migration
  • Consumption and billing models
    - Define key terms and cost types
    - Avoiding egress costs
    - Cost comparisons
    - Deploying for (low) cost
    - Monitoring and alerts
    - On-demand, spot and reserved resources
  • Cloud skills and resources
  • The future of the cloud

Please note that the course also defines key ‘IT terms’, uses diagrams and analogies to make it accessible to non-technical learners and reinforce understanding for technical learners

Learning Objectives

Business / Management

  • A better understanding of the technology
  • More informed decision making surrounding the cloud, collaborative and remote working tools
  • Understand cloud billing and security and how to minimise costs
  • Better able to discuss with technologists and the end-users
  • Understand how technology can support business and mitigate risk


  • Key definitions, examples, benefits and drawbacks of different solutions
  • A better appreciation of some of the business considerations surrounding the cloud
  • More informed decision making surrounding cloud deployment options
  • Better able to discuss the cloud with business people
  • Cloud storage, compute, networking and security

Creative (End Users)

  • A better appreciation of some of the business and technical considerations surrounding the cloud
  • Better able to discuss the cloud with technologists and business people
  • An understanding of the potential and how it could support content production, collaboration and delivery
  • Confidence in cloud solutions


  • Improved understanding and communication surrounding cloud solutions with your peers
  • An understanding of the potential and how it could support content production, collaboration and delivery

Key Info

  • 6.5 hours of content
  • 311 slides
  • 73,397 words
  • English, with English voiceover
  • Interactive (contains quizzes)