The Future Trends of News Production

The Future Trends of News Production


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IABM Article

The Future Trends of News Production

Fri 27, 11 2020

The newsroom of 2020 is a very different beast from that of 2010s. Especially in the current climate. Rapid and disruptive changes are happening, so how do we understand the future of newsrooms in such a dynamic time?

Most importantly, let’s consider how newsrooms have evolved from those of the past. Broadcasters need to listen up when it comes to their technological need in order to future proof workflows. Non-linear working, file based systems, social media, citizen journalism, AI, the cloud, the ability to work remotely, have all been disruptors to the old standard.

As a systems vendor, we have had to adapt our approach to ensure we’re helping our customers stay ahead of the curve, and optimise our offering to ensure newsrooms are working in 2020, and beyond. As journalists are required to do more and more, with less budget, amongst other things, this means establishing proper professional tools to navigate the disruptive elements. This means ensuring broadcasters and journalists workflows are time and cost efficient, along with brand agnostic.

The modern newsroom is seen as being output agnostic – but the newsroom of the future will be that way from the ground up. In order to understand where newsrooms are going, we must understand where they began and how they’ve evolved, and how technology can assist in combating the disruptions, especially unforseen disruptions like COVID-19. Take a glimpse into the newsroom of the future and learn:

– How to navigate newsroom disruptors like nonlinear working, social media, citizen journalists, AI, cloud, and turn them into strengths instead
– Why output agnostic newsrooms are the way of the future
– How to do more in bringing a story to life, with less budget
– How to utilise remote capabilities to keep connected with coworkers around the world
– How to futureproof the newsroom

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