The State of the Industry Breakfast Briefing
8am (PST), Sunday 16 April | Rooms D, E & F, Westgate Las Vegas Resort
Join us for IABM's acclaimed industry briefing during NAB Show in Las Vegas. At this unmissable session, our expert panel will delve deep into the latest research to deliver actionable insights to help you set your priorities for the coming months, alongside a complimentary breakfast.
The event is free, and is always popular, so to reserve your space, click here now.

Welcome and introduction
by Peter White, CEO, IABM
State of the Industry Presentation
by Lorenzo Zanni, Head of Knowledge, IABM
In this session, IABM’s Head of Knowledge Lorenzo Zanni will present IABM’s latest research on the key drivers of change in MediaTech, including an analysis of the impact of macro headwinds on the market and data-driven insights on MediaTech investment patterns.
Highlights include:
- Impact of macro headwinds on business confidence in MediaTech
- Impact of macro headwinds on Media & Entertainment (M&E) business models
- Analysis supply chain and labour shortages in MediaTech
- Analysis of MediaTech roadmap – e.g., Streaming, Cloud, AI/ML etc.
- Analysis of MediaTech investment trends – e.g., Cloud, Insourcing/Outsourcing etc.
- Analysis of MediaTech revenue models – e.g., Hardware, Subscriptions etc.
- Analysis of content supply chain investment – e.g., Monetize, Consume etc.
Industry Panel Session
Moderated by Rob Ambrose, Managing Director, Caretta Research
A C-suite panel discusses the key findings presented in the NAB Edition MediaTech Report from IABM
Panelists include:- Josh Arensberg, CTO, Media & Entertainment at Verizon Business Group
- Pete Emminger, Global CTO, NEP Group
- Marc Lefebvre, Senior Director, Operations, CBC News
- Michelle Munson, CEO,

Technology Trends Roadmap 2023 Update
by Stan Moote, CTO, IABM
Our expert panel will discuss a variety of advanced technology solutions and their progress toward implementation and highlight the technologies you need to know for 2023/24.
Industry experts include:- Luanne Linnebur - Tech Partnership Advisor
- Mike Palmer - Sinclair
- Tom Burns – Dell
- Karl Paulsen – Diversified
- Chris Lennon – Ross