Top Object Storage Educational Resources of 2020

Top Object Storage Educational Resources of 2020


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Top Object Storage Educational Resources of 2020

By Sarah Cook, Director of Marketing, Caringo

Fri 08, 01 2021

The demand for educational resources on object-based storage and data management continued to soar in 2020.

We’ve all heard the phrase “content is king” which originated in an essay Bill Gates wrote; but, that has never been more true than in 2020. And, without a doubt, content needs storage—lots and lots of storage.

So, it is no surprise that we are seeing the hunt for educational resources about object-based storage and data management soar.

Here are the top educational resources that have been consumed by storage professionals on the Caringo website.

Back to Basics: Easy as 1-2-3

While object storage is no longer in its infancy, there are a good number of people who are not familiar with it. We are pleased that the blog and webinar we produced on the topic What is Object Storage? continues to be our most frequently accessed content.

In addition, we’ve seen this year’s blog on what storage interfaces and protocols are currently used garner much attention, along with our webinars on metadata and elasticsearch (watch the recently updated version).

The Need for Speed: Object Storage Performance

Interest in our work with the UK STFC Rutherford laboratory and the performance benchmarking that resulted in the selection of Caringo Swarm for the JASMIN super-cluster has continued to receive attention (visit our STFC landing page), as has our most recent webinar on performance testing for object storage.

If you want to understand why Caringo Swarm outperformed competitors, check out AI & Machine Learning: The Smarts of the Swarm whitepaper. It explains why Swarm storage is massively scalable and why its performance actually improves as the storage cluster grows.

With a Little Help from our Friends

Over the years, we have had the fortune to work with countless amazing customers and partners. This year, we were fortunate enough to have them join us in a number of our Brews & Bytes webcasts. This new format has been quite popular. Our top 3 episodes were:

That’s a Wrap!

As we wrap up 2020 and head into 2021, we want to wish you all a happy and healthy new year! And, if you need help determining if an intelligent data management and object storage platform can help your organization, please contact us. We would love to hear from you!

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