Veritone – NAB Show 2023 BaM Award winner – Monetize

Veritone – NAB Show 2023 BaM Award winner – Monetize

IABM Journal

Veritone – NAB Show 2023 BaM Award winner – Monetize

Fri 14, 07 2023

Veritone Generative AI – Changing the Broadcast and Media Game

For years, artificial intelligence and machine learning have been augmenting the workforce and continuing to push what’s possible, with generative AI being the most recent advancement in how technology can help amplify human capabilities.

In February 2023, Veritone, Inc., the leader in enterprise AI software and services, introduced Veritone Generative AI, an enterprise-grade platform-as-a-service that natively supports and orchestrates public large language models (like GPT-3 and ChatGPT) and domain-specific large language models. The platform runs on Veritone’s proprietary aiWARE™, and has swiftly proven its usefulness to broadcast and media entities with its ability to generate content at an unprecedented scale while remaining on-brand and increasing audience accessibility.

Veritone Generative AI is transforming broadcast and media by extending the opportunities to create new, AI-generated content for greater audience engagement, which enhances human experiences and communications while increasing operational efficiency and revenue opportunities.

At the most recent NAB Show, Veritone Generative AI earned the IABM BaM Award® in the Monetize category. The platform also earned the NAB Show Product of the Year—the fourth year Veritone has won this award—this year in the AI and machine learning category.

In response to these prestigious NAB Show wins, Sean King, senior vice president and general manager of Commercial Solutions at Veritone, said, “Winning these two awards is a significant achievement for Veritone and a testament to the power and potential of our generative AI platform. NAB was a successful show for us by providing a venue to showcase to media, entertainment, sports, and advertising companies how we can help them create, manage and monetize their content and drive innovation.”

Because the platform is deployed on Veritone’s flagship aiWARE enterprise AI platform, Veritone Generative AI can provide users with robust, orchestrated cognitive and generative AI workflows and solutions. Here are two examples of how Veritone Generative AI can be used in the broadcast and media industries:

  • For sports: Media partners can use the platform’s natural language processing and AI-generated text and voice to produce sports commentary, play-by-play, pre- and post-game updates in multiple languages to increase fan engagement.
  • For advertising and entertainment: Companies and organizations can expand audience reach and accessibility while maintaining brand consistency with AI-generated, pre-built assets including multilingual content, ad promos, and images.

Outside of the media and entertainment spheres, Veritone Generative AI offers use cases for talent acquisition, law enforcement, and more.

Veritone Generative AI is a core pillar of Veritone’s aiWARE platform, its workflows, and its ecosystem. The platform’s robust capabilities are available natively (via API and Automate Studio, Veritone’s low-code workflow application) and can be integrated seamlessly with other industry-specific applications from Veritone.

Several business segments’ client data, media, and communication workflows leverage Veritone Generative AI, building upon and expanding Veritone’s current integrated cognition, conversational AI, and other robust AI/ML offerings.

This platform is changing the game for the broadcast and media industry as it enables companies and brands of all sizes to extend large amounts of data, maximize opportunities for their existing content, and quickly generate new content for greater audience engagement and enhanced human experiences.

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