Broadcast and media trends in 2020 – and how can IABM members help?

Broadcast and media trends in 2020 – and how can IABM members help?


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Broadcast and media trends in 2020 – and how can IABM members help?

A conversation with Carlos Octavio Queiroz, Head of Architecture and Analytics at Globo in Brazil

Wed 04, 03 2020

We asked IABM Global Engaged Partner, Carlos Octavio Queiroz, Head of Architecture and Analytics at Globo in Brazil, to talk us through what’s top of his mind – and action list – for 2020 and beyond. How can IABM members support him as Globo transforms the way it operates in response to the move to direct-to-consumer (DTC)? Carlos’ insights and advice are well worth taking in…

How is the move to direct to consumer models influencing your investment in media technology?

This is our biggest investment in 2020. And to materialise it we are implementing what we call a Digital Hub. It's a mix of technology and business, organised in agile ways of working. Most of our technology investments for 2020 - and for the next couple of years – will be prioritized on this Digital Hub. The Digital Hub, on the technology side, is responsible for developing DTC products. Globo Play OTT is one of these products. We also have games, apps and portals and we have a pipeline of DTC products to deliver over the next year.

An example of one of the game apps is one focused on soccer, called Cartola. The user can create leagues, and select players for each team, and depending on the performance of these players in the real championship, they score points - so it's a competition. You can create your own leagues with your friends and it's something that’s had a lot of traction since soccer is a major sport for us in Brazil.

The Digital Hub is built around the concept of ‘business dollars ‘or value streams. We are not building something in the old way – we’re discussing, deciding, prioritizing and planning digital products with the business teams as part of it. The key metrics are shared between technology and business; the key objective results are not focused on technology, they are things such as increasing subscriptions, increasing...

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