Nea Dvr - IABM Single BaM Product

Nea Dvr - IABM Single BaM Product




Recording live TV shows is a major consumer demand. With a Cloud DVR, you can offer the possibility of unlimited recording to your viewers, on every screen. There’s no need to purchase a physical box, and delivery and repair costs become a thing of the past.

NEA-DVR® is a flexible and scalable Cloud DVR that integrates storage directly within the Cloud DVR streaming servers. This hyper-convergent storage system, called EDS, was designed specifically for video and has several benefits.

You can scale up your streaming or storage capacity when needed, to meet growing demand. But more capacity doesn’t need to mean more space in the data centre: we can add storage disks to existing servers, which keeps operating costs down.

NEA-DVR with EDS is also a low-latency solution. It is highly efficient, with lower CPU and RAM usage compared to NAS solutions, and maintains optimal performance in the case of a rebuild during maintenance operations.

Plus, by packaging content Just-in-Time, NEA-DVR makes content available on all streaming protocols available today and through any new ones that come up in the future. Just-in-Time packaging also allows you to reduce bandwidth costs and the amount of storage you need, by sending video assets to end-user devices in real-time, instead of pre-packaging them in each streaming protocol.

NEA-DVR supports individual EPG-based or instant-based recordings, is encoder agnostic and complies with both Private Copy and Shared Copy models.

Key benefits:

– Access EDS storage seamlessly to improve customer satisfaction and ultimately, ARPU

– Optimised EDS provides high availability and improves ingest / playback performance

– Supports individual EPG-based or instant-based recordings

– Infinite Buffer streamlines asset and storage management, so you gain up to four times more capacity

– Encoder agnostic (EBP Cablelabs)

– Supports Private Copy and Shared Copy models

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