Canterbury Christ Church University Deploys Densitron IDS

Canterbury Christ Church University Deploys Densitron IDS


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MediaTech Intelligence

Canterbury Christ Church University Deploys Densitron IDS

Thu 02, 04 2020

The Organisation

Canterbury Christ Church University started out as a teacher training facility in the 1960s. Today, it continues to shape courses and research around critical social issues both nationally and globally. The university’s School of Creative Arts and Industries offers a range of Film, Radio and Television modules to undergraduate students.

The school encourages students studying Media, Music, Dance, Film, and Design courses to collaborate on projects. And by equipping its students with a range of creative skills, the school helps to ensure they are ready to join the UK’s burgeoning creative industries.

To help achieve this, the school provides state-of-the-art film and tv production facilities at its Canterbury campus, which includes Densitron’s Intelligent Display System (IDS).

The Challenge

The brief for the Media Tech Team was simple: Source and deploy an easy-to-use production timer in the school’s TV studio and gallery.

The solution had to be simple enough for beginners to easily grasp and engage with, coupled with an ability to be flexible enough to do more in the future as the school’s requirements expand and develop.

The Approach and Solution

As a display leader, Densitron has a wide range of products for a wide range of applications, but what caught the Media Tech Team’s attention was IDS because it was readily apparent that it offered an extremely accurate, easy-to-read, and eye-catching production timer that met the criteria of being straightforward for students to understand, engage, and interact with.

Moreover, it soon became apparent that IDS could also meet the criteria for future flexibility. IDS can provide many additional types of information and notifications that are extremely useful for studio operations.

IDS isn’t just a clock. It’s equally about the accurate high-quality information it can provide if and when required. With a combination of one IDS Core, a production timer, and three Remora display drivers, which use data harvested by IDS to provide information relevant to the given studio space.

The Results

Canterbury Christ Church University School of Creative Arts and Industries students and faculty now enjoy the pinnacle of intelligent information display, thus preparing them well for their respective careers in broadcast, film, and other industries.


A Media Tech Team representative said, “IDS has been a solid solution since its installation. It requires very little maintenance and can be easily configured by our onsite technical team. Phone support has been excellent, although we haven’t needed much because the system is largely maintenance free. The IDS solution has proven to be a robust and integral part of our teaching and assessment of TV production.

“The IDS clock displays are easy to read and accurately sync with our local NTP service, and that suits our current needs perfectly, but what’s equally exciting is what we haven’t done with IDS but know that we’ll be able to. The upside to this technology is that its capabilities don’t appear to have a ceiling, which parallels exactly with what we want for the future prospects of our dedicated students.”

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