Paul Treleaven, IABM’s Technology Specialist Consultant, has recently been honored by SMPTE with its prestigious Excellence in Standards award, which recognizes individuals or companies who have been actively involved in advancing Society standards activities and processes.
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The IABM Technology and Trends Roadmap isn’t just for industry technologists to use as a reference. IABM has discovered industry execs using it as a starting point for their keynote speeches: product line managers are using this to plot their own products; and corporate board members get a better understanding of where the companies’ products sit on the adoption curve, hence a better grasp or risks vs gross margins. This also assists marketing activities by giving an indication how best to promote products within M&E and also adjacent/vertical market areas.
This year’s update has seen a few major changes of the major technology and trends groupings as the IABM Roadmap working group felt best to portray the condition of the various aspects of the industry. As always this activity draws on strong industry collaboration between end-users, vendors and competitors alike hence it created a lot of discussion, debates and controversy, yet the final outcome is a remarkable example of teamwork.
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IABM Journal 2024 content focus and deadlines
Here are the main themes and deadlines for the four 2024 editions of the IABM Journal.
Articles submitted should be 800-1000 words plus supporting images, including a headshot of the author where possible.
We will also consider publishing articles outside the main themes of each edition. Opinion articles addressing key current industry issues are in particular always welcome.
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Video consumption on OTT platforms has gathered rapid momentum in the last couple of years, peaking significantly in the past few months – thanks to the audience being locked down due to COVID19 pandemic. With so many platforms and so much of content available for consumption today, OTT players are hard pressed for time to create the buzz and differentiation for their shows across media.
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If you are looking to start or grow your own media business, you should consider all the opportunities available to you. From offering monthly subscriptions to receiving charitable donations securely, it can be tough to know where to start. Discover the most popular ways that creators and content owners are monetising their media online in our new infographic.
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Live streaming of sports and other linear content has gone mainstream as consumers increasingly turn to OTT services for programming they once could only get from traditional TV providers.
However, mounting losses due to media piracy, tempered only momentarily by the coronavirus-induced sports lull, have triggered demand for tools and procedures that go well beyond security systems optimized for on-demand viewing.
In this white paper we take a closer look at the audience and revenue of live streaming, the role of sports, the UHD/HDR factor, sensitivities to live streaming latency, and the impact of piracy and associated attack modes.
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Despite the dominant news in 2020 all about the Coronavirus pandemic, the preparations for the UK’s exit from the European Union, and a Presidential election in the USA, there have been important changes to note in environmental regulations too. By way of an example, ‘Chemical Watch’ contacted its membership to help understand the impact of the pandemic and notwithstanding many businesses of all types suffering from the financial shock to the system, 40% said that their regulatory workload had increased, whereas only around 20% had seen a decrease. Chemical Watch sees very little let up in the regulatory agenda and suggests that the challenges created by this are made more complex by the likely impending global recession, combined with so many teams now working entirely remotely, or already being affected by job losses.
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With the lockdown came the abrupt halt in production, broadcast and live events. However, as a company disguise took immediate action going above and beyond to provide vital lifelines to our community, along with an upswing in our xR (extended reality) workflow being utilised on a series of projects aimed at providing an immersive viewing experience for remote audiences.
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Over the last decade, with the likes of Uber, Monzo and Netflix dominating and disrupting traditional industries, we’ve seen first-hand the revolutionary potential of digital transformation. The acceleration of digital technology has become a buzzword yet again in 2020 with the emergence of Covid-19. The pandemic has sped up several incubating trends over the last four months and digital is now a universal requirement for every business that remains in business today. It is also the means to productivity and resilience from future crises and shocks.
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