In Conversation with Streamhub

In Conversation with Streamhub


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IABM Article

In Conversation with Streamhub

Tue 19, 05 2020

In this IABM TV interview, Aki Tsuchiya (Founder & CEO, Streamhub) discusses the challenges and opportunities OTT operators are facing in the current climate.

Q1 – What challenges and opportunities do OTT operators face in these unprecedented times for the media business?
Q2 – How can Broadcast & OTT businesses be adapting their data strategies to help weather the current storm?
Q3 – Ad supported businesses have been hit especially hard by the decline in Ad spend – could you share some advice on how data strategy might be used to help mitigate some of these losses?
Q4 – You do a lot of work with TV Broadcasters in Japan – are there any interesting trends you’re seeing from that market?
Q5 – Do you see any overarching trends affecting the use of data & analytics in the online video space?
Q6 – Could you tell us your main focus for new product development going forward?
Q7 – What specific elements of data are your clients focusing on to develop their services?
Q8 – Is there any obvious consolidation in the OTT value chain – eg CDP/DMPs?
Q9 – Is everyone ready for a cookie-less world?

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