MainConcept Year in Review

MainConcept Year in Review


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MainConcept Year in Review

By Sarah Cook, Director of Product Marketing & Thought Leadership, MainConcept

Fri 28, 01 2022

When you are in the throes of a new job, you don’t always realize just how much your organization has accomplished. So, I thought I’d take stock of 2021 and share the highlights with y’all as we prepare to roll into 2022. (And to be honest, one of my favorite personal highlights is how colleagues from Aachen to San Diego have picked up my Texan habit of saying “y’all.”) But, on to more important matters!

Launching and Updating Products

As in most technology companies, launching and updating products is the primary focus at MainConcept. My introduction to our product launches came quite quickly after joining, and then never seemed to slow down! Here’s a list of products we either launched or updated in 2021 with links for those who want to dig a little deeper:

If you have questions about any of our products, feel free to contact us.

Making Headlines

2021 was a year of impressive technical progress at MainConcept. Here are a few of our noteworthy accomplishments:

To read more of our past press releases and articles, visit our News page.

Developing our New Website and Technology Blog

Website technology is constantly evolving, and we devoted much time and effort to updating this year. One of the most exciting parts of this was bringing an active Technology Blog to readers so they could hear from a variety of voices inside the company⏤from Product Management and Engineering to Product Marketing.

In our Technology Blog posts, you can learn about all sorts of topics relevant to codec technology and our industry. Here are a few of my favorites:

Visit to read more content from 2021 and watch for upcoming posts in 2022!

Producing Technical Webinars

We adopted a new platform and sped up production on our technical webinars in the second half of this year with a mix of both in-house and partner events. The following webinars are available for on-demand viewing:

You can also view all of our webinars directly from our page, and subscribe to our BrightTALK channel to stay in the know about our upcoming events.

Having Fun with Coffee & Codecs Conversations

Maybe the most fun we’ve had this year is with our conversations around industry topics, hosted by our VP Marketing, Geoff Gordon. When you have a group of people together that love technology, it leads to lively discussions and sometimes debates. You never really know how the personalities will mesh and if sparks will fly when you produce this type of event, so I think of it as a bit of an adventure each time we host a broadcast.

If you want to see the results of these adventures, you can also find them on the page. Our topics thus far have been:

And we are quite excited about kicking off 2022 with a discussion of the Hot Digital Trends for 2022.


I hope you will join us then! If there is something that you would like us to cover in a technical blog, webinar, or Coffee & Codecs conversation, or if you have a question, feel free to email us at Until 2022, wishing you a happy and safe holiday season, and a joyous new year!

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