Platform Communications Case Study: No NAB – No Problem!

Platform Communications Case Study: No NAB – No Problem!


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MediaTech Intelligence

Platform Communications Case Study: No NAB – No Problem!

Tue 18, 08 2020

Creating and delivering MediaKind’s ‘Spring Kind’ events program during lockdown

Platform helped MediaKind to create and deliver an impactful and ambitious timeline of PR and Marcomms activity to showcase its latest technologies, innovations and thought leadership during the opening months of the global lockdown.

This project was critical following the last-minute cancellation of NAB Show – a major fixture on MediaKind’s global calendar of annual broadcast and digital media trade shows, which traditionally plays a fundamental role in achieving its strategic and business objectives.

The goal was to implement a range of alternative communications strategies for MediaKind that would engage target audiences, particularly at a time when no annual trade show activity could take place.

What we did

Created an end-to end integrated communications campaign, titled ‘Spring Kind’, with a timeline of activities running throughout April, May and June, across a mixture of owned and paid activities.

The core of the campaign was built around key technology and trend topics. Each topic was supported by webinars, and deeper dive content such as strategic application papers, whitepapers, research papers, social influence, blogs and relevant news flow announcements.

In addition, Platform Communications managed the seamless transition of PR activities from real world to virtual, including analyst industry roundtables and larger press events; press/analyst briefings; product and whitepaper launches; speaker panels and presentations.

  • 11 blogs published alongside ongoing social media activity. This helped to draw wider attention to the Spring Kind campaign among key and relevant audiences.
  • Created content for and supported the launch of MediaKind’s ‘Virtual Experience’ – a unique digital portal that enables visitors to explore its complete media services offering.
  • Five strong news announcements distributed over two months, enabling steady and highly impactful news flow. Delivered consistent pipeline of activity during a period where 59% of international tech journalists and analysts found they were receiving less news compared to this time last year (‘The New World of Tech Communications’, Platform Comms Research).

Key Outcomes

  • News pipeline and media placements generated audience reach of over 25 million throughout April and May.
  • Delivered 202 media hits, positioning MediaKind in front of targeted audiences across the US, EMEA and APAC regions. 26 leading trade media journalists and analysts attended highly engaging Press Event.
  • 2,572 sign-ups across six webinars, each grouped with strategic application papers, whitepapers, research papers and news flow This helped to generate heightened interest and engagement from media, analysts, customers and leads, and showcased MediaKind’s expertise across key areas of its portfolio.
  • Outstanding results from the Spring Kind campaign has driven momentum towards a second phase of program activity. The new campaign will see virtual activity continue, forming the cornerstone of MediaKind’s marketing efforts for the rest of 2020.

Lisa Aussieker, VP and Head of Marketing and Communications, MediaKind, said: “The lockdown period was the first time we have been unable to physically bring MediaKind’s offerings in front of customers, partners, and industry friends – and this scenario required a unique and highly integrated approach! Throughout the online Spring Kind campaign, Platform found creative and dynamic means for us to share our latest insights, demonstrations and announcements with the industry, helping us to showcase how we are continuing to enable the delivery of media experiences to audiences all over the world. Platform delivered an outstanding communications campaign that drove participation and ignited lively discussions across all our webinars and online channels. Above all else, they helped us to continue engaging with all of our customers and prospects in an effective and seamless way.”

For more information, please contact Gay Bell at

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