Here are the main themes and deadlines for the four 2025 editions of the IABM Journal.
Articles submitted should be 800-1000 words plus supporting images*, including a headshot of the author where possible.
We will also consider publishing articles outside the main themes of each edition. Opinion articles addressing key current industry issues are in particular always welcome, alongside interesting case studies.
Note that we have added a new regular feature for 2025 covering activities outside of mainstream M&E as IABM members increasingly look to parallel markets for growth. We have given this the heading of Enterprise AV – intended to cover everything from enterprise, medical, retail, government and hospitality to emergency services, utilities, education, transportation etc. – wherever IABM members are looking for new opportunities and growth.
March 2025 – Q1
Main theme 1: Creativity & Orchestration
How will the next wave of automation impact jobs in content creation and production?
Editorial focus: Tech and activities that boost creativity. This includes both creativity and technical innovation using physical, virtual, or immersive methods. We’ll also look at the impact of AI and automation on content creation and production.
Keywords: Creativity, Collaboration, Innovation, Content, Metaverse, Immersive, Imaging, Creation, Production, Culture, Automation, AI etc.
Main theme 2: Democratization
Editorial focus: The democratization of technology as the shift in the application of specialized broadcast and cinema audiovisual technologies towards more mainstream use, making it more accessible to non-professional users both in the M&E industry and other verticals (Enterprise AV) using audio visual technologies.
Keywords: People, technology, markets.
Content chain: Create, Produce
The latest developments that are enhancing creativity, collaboration, and workflows at the front end of the BaM Content Chain®.
Sustainability: what progress is the industry making?
Deadline for finished materials: 14 March
June 2025 – Q2
Main theme 1: Resilience
Editorial focus: We’ll cover tech and activities that boost business and technical resilience. This includes security, business and data protection, geographical diversification etc.
Keywords: Security, Business Continuity, Data Privacy, Disruption, Supply Chain, Standardization, Scarcity, Complexity, Interoperability etc.
Main theme 2: Video Game Industry Convergence
Editorial focus: The video game market is reported to account for $522.46b in annual revenue globally in 2025. Game engines have become powerful tools for 3D modelling and animation. Post production stands to benefit from Video Game Industry Convergence with MediaTech, as game engines have been a catalyst for the development of in-camera VFX workflows on LED volumes, and underpin a variety of other types of virtual production. This is extending the reach of technology and tools from the video game industry across the entire BaM Content Chain®.
Keywords: convergence, virtual production, 3D modelling, immersive, LED volumes, new applications.
Content Chain: Connect, Store, Support
The latest developments in the activities that enable the BaM Content Chain® – moving/delivering content; storing content throughout its lifecycle; monitoring, testing, communicating and running facilities.
Technology and Trends Roadmap – this is a vital tool for MediaTech suppliers and end-users in planning their strategies. We will explain the changes in this year’s update.
Sustainability: what progress is our industry making?
Enterprise AV: where MediaTech suppliers are entering parallel markets in search of growth and new opportunities.
Deadline for finished materials: 6 June
September 2025 – Q3
Main theme 1: Efficiency & Sustainability
Editorial focus: We’ll cover tech and activities that boost efficiency. This includes automation, intelligence, supply chain management, cloud-based workflows etc. We’ll also look at sustainability in MediaTech.
Keywords: Speed, Supply Chain, Data, Intelligence, Cloud, SaaS, Pricing, Automation, Insourcing, Outsourcing, End-to-End, Best-of-Breed, CAPEX, OPEX, Sustainability, etc.
Main theme 2: Next Generation Talent
How is our industry supporting the drive to attract new talent and increase workplace diversity and inclusion?
Keywords: Talent, Skillsets, Workforce, Diversity etc.
Content Chain: Manage, Publish
The latest developments in managing and preparing completed content and its publication, including playout of linear and non-linear content; orchestrating the workflow and resources required.
Enterprise AV: where MediaTech suppliers are entering parallel markets in search of growth and new opportunities.
Deadline for finished materials: 22 August
December 2025 – Q4
Main theme 1: Economics & Democratization
Editorial focus: We’ll cover tech and activities that boost revenue generation. This includes revenue creation and differentiation. We’ll also look at convergence between media, MediaTech and adjacent sectors.
Keywords: Direct-to-Consumer, Business Models, Economics, Revenue-Generating, R&D Investment, Convergence, Parallel Markets, Gaming, Consumer Experiences etc.
Main theme 2: Sustainability
Our home is under threat; what is our industry doing to protect our beautiful but fragile planet?
Content Chain: Monetize, Consume
The latest developments in managing rights and royalties, scheduling services, advertising, data aggregation and analysis. Enabling consumption of content on consumer-facing devices, apps, and platforms.
Enterprise AV: where MediaTech suppliers are entering parallel markets in search of growth and new opportunities.
Deadline for finished materials: 14 November
*Please ensure you have full copyright clearance for all images supplied. Recently IABM has inadvertently fallen foul of international copyright law because an image supplied by an IABM member had not been authorised for publication. This resulted in IABM having to pay a fine, along with diverting scarce resources to deal with the claim.
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