The rise of the mega streamer has brought the broadcast media industry into a period of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. The acronym VUCA first described the complex and challenging geopolitical situation in 1987 following the Cold War, and now aptly defines the current media landscape. It’s an environment characterized by volatility in that challenges are unexpected and sometimes incomprehensible; by uncertainty in that change may happen, or not; by complexity in that it is influenced by numerous variables; and by ambiguity in that causal relationships can be difficult or impossible to define.
MediaKind Webinar – Getting your disruption on – Uncovering media opportunities
If necessity is the mother of invention, one could say that progress is the child of disruption. The dramatic interruption of the 2020 pandemic is perhaps the final straw in an evolving and already disrupted Pay TV market, forcing broadcasters, content owners and traditional Pay TV operators to truly evaluate their existing technologies and business strategies. Start-ups and traditional players, alike, are, now more than ever, looking to leverage and benefit from the efficiencies of the cloud, using pay-as-you-go resources to scale up as needed or launch new focused services such as sporting events, festivals, concerts, or specialized genre specific services.
Getting your disruption on – uncovering media opportunities
MediaKind Application Paper
The dramatic interruption to our daily lives by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has perhaps been the final straw for Pay TV market, forcing broadcasters, content owners and traditional Pay TV operators to evaluate their existing technologies and business strategies.