The recent IABM report on content security trends in conjunction with our good friends at Axinom made for some interesting reading. As Roger Thornton mentions in his summary article, perhaps the most surprising takeaway is the discrepancy between a stated intention to invest in content, and a far lower priority in investment in content security technology to safeguard against the theft of that content, especially given the financial, operational and potentially creative resources that will be required to produce or acquire it. As Roger summarises, this seems counterintuitive, but budgets are finite and it could be argued that prioritizing content over business processes is where dutiful media providers should concentrate their majority resource.
Content Chain Trends: Content Distribution & Monetization
Highlights: The significant growth of streaming platforms has accelerated the adoption of different technology business models in distribution while hitting legacy revenues.
In Conversation with Caton
In this IABM TV interview, Gerald Wong (Senior Vice President, Caton Technology) discusses the CatonNet Video Platform and how easy it is for broadcasters to utilise the platform if they have cloud hosted services.
Content Distribution & Monetization: State of the Industry
This Briefing focuses on identifying the most important investment drivers in content distribution & monetization derived from a mixture of sources, including survey data on technology priorities, company announcements, and financial data.
Adoption Trends: Cloud
IABM Adoption Trends reports annually track the adoption of specific emerging technologies within the broadcast and media sector.
Clear thinking about cloud playout and the customer advantages
Cloud playout is not a new idea; it’s been discussed in our industry for at least a decade, including early attempts at creating and supplying solutions. But it’s only more recently that it has become a reality and it’s certainly an important part of the future. Globecast is leading the way.