Technology articles

Technology articles


Technology is at the heart of all our members’ businesses and IABM technical representatives play prominent roles on standards and technology bodies worldwide, reporting back to members via regular reports and the Technical Advisory Board. Our Industry Collaborative Groups Endorsement Program is a major new initiative designed to promote effective collaboration.

As a member benefit, IABM Technology supplements your own activities with a range of services to match your specific needs.

Broadcast and Media is a technology-enabled industry and so technological developments are key to current and future developments. Very few business decisions are taken without an understanding of the influence of the underlying technology.

Let us know how we can help you further through participation in the IABM Technical Advisory Board which meets at major exhibitions and is open to feedback and suggestions at any time.

IABM Future Trends Theatre

Future-facing technology innovations that are now emerging onto the market are not only transforming the way consumers interact with our content, but also opening up new ways to create, acquire, produce, manage and publish.

Our Future Trends Theatre presentations will give you the chance to get ahead.

IP Theatre

Recent years have seen the industry closes in on a unifying standard for uncompressed video and audio over IP, and with a number of major North American and European broadcast companies indicating that they will commence real-time IP production infrastructure projects this year.

View the videos and presentation from our theatres around the world here.

Technology Articles:
Thought leadership articles by IABM and our members

UKCA Standstill Extension: Industry Update
This presentation from The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy covers:What has and has not changedForthcoming guidance updatesKey messages[...]
Together for Our Planet Business Climate Leaders’ Campaign
This presentation has been made available by The SME Climate Commitment.  Download Presentation
Using behavioural data to assess the environmental impact of electricity consumption of alternate television service distribution platforms
Digital technology and entertainment is a significant driver of electricity use globally, resulting in increased GHG emissions. Research has been[...]

IABM Endorsement Program for Industry Collaborative Groups

The ICG Endorsement Program is a major IABM initiative and is designed to encourage collaboration across a wide range of industry issues and opportunities, from best practice to standardization and interoperability. IABM’s vision is for a universally recognized framework where endorsed collaborative groups will be supported, promoted and encouraged to fulfil their potential and move forward in an open, constructive environment to the benefit of the wider industry.

Standards Activities:

Many of our members do not have the resources or budgets to send staff around the world attending standards committee meetings and technical events. IABM technology covers many of the major committees, conferences and events and provides reports or tailored information to support member activities.

IABM specialists represent members on technical committees and standards bodies around the world. This ensures regular representation with SMPTE, AES, VSF, EBU and ABU, as well as on work relating to EMC and environmental standards and regulation.

Our Standards Monitoring Group focuses on a number of relevant standards projects and provides a forum where group members can review standards in development, allowing them to provide feedback and influence the final document through our representatives.

Click the links below to find out more:

Environmental Regulation

Administrations around the world are introducing legislation to control the environmental impact of products.

The requirements may be embodied in the legislation of directives, or may be contained in standards documents. At present there is little International agreement on these matters, though IEC is developing standards on power consumption of some A-V products.

Standards Monitoring Group

IABM has, for many years, provided summary reports on the standards bodies that it attends and monitors – that won’t change. We will also continue to shape and influence standards that we believe are important to our members.

But it is important for us to engage with technology experts in our member companies and to seek their expert review of standards that are in development so that they can help us guide the development in ways that are in the best interests of our industry, whilst having the minimum impact on members’ time. This also helps members avoid nasty shocks with new standards or revisions to old standards that affect their product range.

For this reason we have formed the Standards Monitoring Group. The group is open to any IABM members with an interest in technology standards. SMG members have access to standards documents that are under development, and for that reason we have to get members to sign up to the confidentiality and participation conditions that the standards bodies impose upon us when we attend their meetings.