Why Use a Cloud-Native Approach to Development?

Why Use a Cloud-Native Approach to Development?


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Why Use a Cloud-Native Approach to Development?

By Sarah Cook, Director of Marketing, Caringo

Wed 25, 11 2020

We’ve worked with customers on cloud-native applications since 2006 and that approach is used in our own product development.

“What should we talk about next month on our Tech Tuesday webinar?”

This is a question I ask monthly, and this time, I got an answer that seemed to come out of the blue:

“developing cloud-native applications.”

What is Cloud-Native?

“Cloud-native” is just another way to refer to a native cloud application (NCA), which is a program specifically designed for a cloud-computing architecture, whether that be on-prem, remote or hybrid.

Developing cloud-native applications may not seem like something an object storage company would talk about. But then again, Caringo isn’t just any object storage company—it is an organization that has always been ahead of its time.

What Does the Cloud-Native Approach Have to Do with Object Storage?

According to Caringo’s Principal Solutions Architect Ryan Meek, who joined Caringo in 2006 as a developer, we’ve worked with customers on cloud-native applications since the initial launch of our object-based storage—long before the term “cloud-native” was coined. Ryan also explained that the cloud-native approach has greatly impacted the processes that we use for our own product development.

Why Use a Cloud-Native Approach to Developing Applications?

Applications developed for cloud-native services can scale as needed, and they can leverage immutable infrastructure, containers, service meshes and declarative APIs flexibly on private, public or hybrid cloud storage. Benefits to this approach include cost-effectiveness, scalability and portability of code.

Learn More About Developing Cloud-Native Applications

Join us November 3 for our Tech Tuesday webinar, Developing Cloud-Native Applications. Ryan Meek will be our subject-matter expert and, as host, I’ll be asking the questions, including:

  • What are the benefits of a cloud-native approach?
  • What are the top 3 mistakes developers make when developing cloud-native applications?
  • What best practices should be followed when developing cloud-native applications?

In addition, Ryan will reveal how our Caringo Swarm Intelligent Data Management & Object Storage platform uses the cloud-native approach to provide the massively scalable, self-healing object-based storage we are known for.

Make sure you stick around until the end of the webinar for the live Q&A, and bring your questions!

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