File Based Technical Qc - IABM BaM Product Category

File Based Technical Qc - IABM BaM Product Category

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File-based technical QC

File-based technical QC

Automated and/or manual testing of digital content files, including file and encoding integrity, video and audio levels and format, and presence of errors.

Quasar – Native Cloud File QC

Quasar is the first and most advanced Native Cloud QC platform in the world.

CapMate – Captions QC and Correction

CapMate identifies issues in Captions/Subtitles and allows users to perform auto correction & export

BATON – Enterprise-class Automated File-based QC

Interra Systems’ BATON is the leading M/L and AI enabled automated QC platform.

WINNOW – An Advanced Platform for Content Classification

WINNOW is a powerful software for classifying audio-visual content into semantic concepts.

BATON LipSync – Automatic Audio-Video Sync Detection

BATON® LipSync is an automated tool for lip sync detection and verification.

VEGA – In-depth Media Analysis for Content Debug & Compliance

VEGA Media Analyzer is used for standards compliance, debug, interoperability of encoded streams.

BMP – Powerful Industry Grade Media Player

BMP is a powerful, feature-rich media player to play, inspect, and verify audio video content.

Closed Caption Creator

Closed Caption & Subtitle Editor – Create closed captioning and subtitles for broadcast and film

Closed Caption Converter

Closed caption and subtitle file conversion and conform. Support for SCC, MCC, EBU-STL, and more.


MSight is a file-based media analyzer software for deep video compression analysis.

VIDA Content OS

Simplify libraries, collaborate with teams, monetize content—or all of it—with VIDA Content OS!

X-Pert Quality Check

Control analysis and assessment of the media quality solution