Etere – How to generate automatic metadata for newsrooms

Etere – How to generate automatic metadata for newsrooms

IABM Journal

Etere – How to generate automatic metadata for newsrooms

Mon 02, 10 2023

Etere – How to generate automatic metadata for newsrooms

Metadata is essential to find the video you need, especially in the newsroom. Etere empowers broadcasters with features including automatic metadata tagging, Face Recognition, Speech-to-text and OCR in video images.

Face recognition and OCR allow you to catalogue any video:

By leveraging high-performance AI capabilities, Etere empowers users to automate tasks, gain insights, and improve operational efficiency and media quality.


AI-driven facial recognition allows broadcasters to manage these actions easily through the automation of an otherwise lengthy process:

• Identify sports players in a match

• Retrieve highlights quickly

• Transcribe games commentary based on players’ performance


Using image recognition, Etere analyses individual scenes in the media library and produces a list of matches in seconds. The advanced facial recognition technology works even for media files with low lighting and obscure angles.


For example, users can launch a search based on an artist’s profile image in personal data. The technology gives users greater control over an extensive media library. Furthermore, it makes it easier for broadcasters to search for and repurpose media files to create better content for their audiences.


Flexible Metadata

• Enhance media files by inserting custom metadata for different asset types, including comments, descriptions, images, loudness, file info, graphic style and asset status. In addition, you can create profiles for different groups of assets to manage multiple files in different locations effectively.

Web Application for the Fast Insertion of Metadata in MAM:

Etere Web allows users to easily perform tasks from any mobile device including Smartphones and Tablets based on iOS, Android and Windows Mobile operating systems. In this way decisions can be made more quickly and with fewer errors since data becomes visible across the entire organization and under a single database, thus allowing multiple users to work on the same object. The web client has been redesigned to perfectly display on the tablet the agenda calendar, assigned tasks, media previews, content approvals and any additional order task. Web users can now easily manage sales campaigns, approve delivered content, track ingest/editing rooms, monitor personnel shifts and access maintenance schedules.

  • Etere launched a new HTML 5 web application to preview, access, edit, arrange, and insert rich metadata. The new web application allows Etere users to add rich metadata to media assets from any web browser. It opens a new level of content management to rediscover new revenue opportunities and boost productivity. Etere MAM is an end-to-end software that orchestrates workflows and fully optimizes the value of your assets through centralized management of media content and associated metadata.
  • Throughout the multimedia production and distribution chain, rich metadata enriches the content and allows broadcasters to increase the value of their media assets. With extensive media libraries of media assets containing descriptive and personalized data, assets can be easily retrieved, repurposed, and interconnected based on a set of relevant relationships with one another.
  • Assets can contain descriptive and technical data, including asset titles, artists, asset types, duration, file formats, etc. The possibilities are limitless with Etere; you can even personalize your metadata to fit your workflow. Furthermore, you can preview your media assets from the same interface for a seamless operation. The user-friendly interface can be accessed from any web browser, enhancing collaboration and remote working from any location.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) gives you more accurate data

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology recognizes text within a digital image. It is commonly used to identify text in scanned documents and photos. With OCR technology integration, users of Etere can convert a physical paper document or an image into an accessible electronic version with text.


  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity
  • Improved Data Accuracy
  • Digitalization of Data
  • Better cost-efficiency
  • Easier text searches, editing, and storage

Boost your ROI with Speech-to-Text

Etere Subtitles Tool for Closed Captions supports Google Cloud Speech-to-Text, which includes support for up to 120 languages, with each language specified within a recognition request’s language code parameters. Each language code parameter includes a BCP-47 identifier tag that identifies the language and region/country of the language. With the upgrade, operators can instantly convert audio to closed caption text to support a global audience base. Etere can support voice-to-text commands, real-time streaming and the processing of voice commands/audio transcription from call centres. In addition, Etere is also able to process pre-recorded audio using Google’s machine-learning technology.

 Key Features

  • Supports Google Speech-to-Text
  • Over 120 languages and variants
  • Instant streams of text results
  • Returns recognition of text from audio in a file
  • Analysis of short and long-form audio
  • Option to filter inappropriate content
  • Digital intelligence with automatic punctuation and word hints

The system uses on-premise resources for enhanced privacy of valuable data

Etere offers both options of a permanent license and Software as a Service (SaaS). We have you covered even if you do not use cloud services; Etere empowers you to select what works best for your business – on-premise, cloud, or hybrid models, allowing you to choose the best setup for your business. Etere offers professional newsroom software with an on-premise, permanent license. Unlike a Software as a Service (SaaS) model, users own the software after purchase.

Etere Nunzio simplifies your newsroom:

Etere Nunzio Newsroom is a newsroom management software that empowers media enterprises with the best tools to develop a story from the initial idea to the final broadcast, all from a single interface. With Etere’s mastery of integrated workflows, you can achieve better performance. Nunzio Newsroom is a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution with fully empowered Newsroom Computer System (NRCS) capabilities to manage the entire tapeless workflow of a Newsroom environment, starting from the planning of news stories (virtual assets) to the control of on-air playback.

Etere Nunzio Newsroom empowers users to work faster and better. With its full NRCS features, users can easily manage the end-to-end workflow of any newsroom environment, from planning news stories to managing newsroom automation on-air playback. Furthermore, it can concurrently handle complex stories with multiple media elements, including video files, live streams, graphics, and secondary media files.

 Direct integration with NLE

When a journalist inserts a placeholder for a video, a workflow begins. The workflow triggers a new asset creation, and subsequently, a request to NLE to create the approval process or a tapeless reception request for someone to download the file is triggered. Etere NLE integration license enables stations to integrate seamlessly with Adobe Premiere without third-party data transfer software.

  • MOS-compliant
  • Supports Newtek NDI
  • Insert and edit lower thirds, graphics, and news tickers without external graphics inserter
  • Supports E-paper and website uploads
  • Flexible and scalable production workflow
  • Fully configurable data model
  • Customizable user rights, agenda, and communication tools, ready to support large teams working remotely
  • News tickers to create custom carousels
  • Supports Dante audio for superior audio quality
  • Real-time updates support a collaborative workflow
  • Supports teleprompters
  • Add and update playlists from social media, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube, directly from the Nunzio interface

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