IABM Journal – September 2017

IABM Journal – September 2017

IABM Journal

IABM Journal 102

Published Q3 2017

Journal is the IABM Magazine released every quarter that covers hot topics within the industry. It is distributed widely throughout the industry.


  • Executive interview – Mike Crimp
  • Moving into the cloud
  • IABM regional updates
  • IABM members speak – Mode-Al
  • How 2wcom works with its clients
  • Is migration to the cloud the best way forward
  • Newly published IABM End-User Index
  • Avid – passing the inflexion point
  • Industry transformation
  • Cyber security
  • Factors facing the commercial side of your business
  • Getting ready for GDPR
  • IABM DC publishes 2017 Global Market Valuation and Strategy Report

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