In Conversation with Rexsel Nippon

In Conversation with Rexsel Nippon

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In Conversation with Rexcel Nippon

How Rexcel Nippon used Videon’s EdgeCaster to successfully livestream the Historic Taipei Opera to over 50,000 viewers worldwide in a month 

The Taipei Opera’s historic performance was to be held at Taiwan’s national opera house but was cancelled due to Covid-19, but not before the performers were allowed to use the opera house to do a dress rehearsal the night before. Ren Egawa, CEO of Rexcel, realized Simple LaaS could enable a world-wide audience first time viewing of an event featuring multi-streaming of four live feeds from four different cameras. The problem was Rexcel members were not allowed in the theatre to set up the system due to Covid-19 restrictions. Hear how they got round this problem.

Find out more about the project in this news story.