Understanding market dynamics is essential to making informed decisions about your business. Our independent and impartial research is designed to give you a competitive edge and help your business through trendspotting and benchmarking as well as validating M&A activities.
Most of our detailed reports are available to IABM members free of charge (non-members can purchase them) and cover investment trends, adoption patterns, sector developments, content supply chain dynamics and extensive regional research with analysis on key global markets.
MediaTech Vantage is IABM’s new interactive platform that delivers a comprehensive range of MediaTech trends and analysis; it is free of charge to IABM members to search, research and create customized reports.
IABM State of MediaTech reports are published for major industry trade shows such as IBC and NAB Show and are based on exclusive research conducted by IABM.
They provide a strategic analysis of the MediaTech industry in a data-driven fashion. They include an analysis of business confidence indicators, macro trends affecting the MediaTech sector, investment and adoption trends, and key drivers of change in the industry.
The MediaTech Radar library is built from our monthly MediaTech Radar newsletters. Each issue focuses on a spotlight topic in MediaTech and reflects on a series of past, present, and future business developments in the industry. The MediaTech Radar library provides a comprehensive overview of key issues affecting our industry.
IABM’s expert Business Intelligence team has wide experience in producing bespoke reports. These can include spotlights on a particular topic, market segmentation analysis and technology trends research. They are generally created using qualitative/quantitative research including expert interviews and/or survey evidence conducted by IABM.