Redefining Business with AI

Redefining Business with AI

Redefining Business with AI

Thu 09, 11 2023

The ever-evolving digital landscape is reshaping business paradigms, increasingly reaching more and more spheres of influence. Positioning itself under the spotlight.

AIĀ and machine learning, though not new, have undergone a remarkable transformation, creating a breach between their origins and their current beta models. These technological advances have captivated audiences with unprecedented speed and performance, setting high expectations for their profound impact on industries and workforce.

Companies are increasingly recognizing the potential of AI. Recent studies by McKinsey reveal that the generative AI topic is no longer confined to the tech sector; it has penetrated boardrooms and is poised to revolutionize entire industries.

A staggering 33% of participants ofĀ McKinsey’s surveyĀ reveal that their organizations are actively harnessing the transformative power of generative AI in at least one function. What’s even more exciting is that 40% of those who have already embarked on this AI journey at their organizations anticipate a bet on investing in generative AI potential, and another 28% affirm that generative AI is already making waves on their board’s strategic agenda.

But what is Generative AI? How does it make a difference? Let’s delve into AIā€™s glossary.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, encompasses the practice of enabling machines to mimic human intelligence to perform tasks. This broad field within computer science includes technologies like Siri and Netflix’s movie recommendation system.

Machine learning, a subset of AI, relies on algorithms that learn by example from data collection rather than explicit programming. This process is based on extracting patterns from the collected data and applying them to new tasks without human intervention.

Generative AI, a branch of machine learning, employs algorithms capable of creating new content in various forms, from audio and images to videos and text. An innovation that marks a pivotal shift in content creation.

This shift will have profound implications for theĀ video industry. Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Netflix, with their carefully calibrated systems, may need to adapt. The era of content creators crafting personalized, engaging content for each viewer, while understanding the factors that drive engagement could face disruption. The key pillars defining the success of these giants are now being challenged.

Generative AI is poised to create an entirely new value chain for video content production, presenting exciting opportunities and unique experiences for the future.

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