In this IABM TV interview, Raoul Cospen (Market Director, News, Dalet) explains how newsroom collaboration continues while staff have to remain at home.
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In this video, Dennis Breckenridge (CEO, Elevate Broadcast) invites guests from the Singapore Region to discuss how they are helping Elevate Broadcast bring new technologies to the market during the current climate.
Guests Include:
- Soo Teck Goh (Sales Director, SEA, LiveU)
- Sophian Yusi (Vice President, Channel News Asia)
- James Hollis (Vice President, Channel News Asia)
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We catch up with Carlos Miranda of Dish Mexico to discuss how the company have adapted during the Covid19 Pandemic and the opportunities they see going forward.
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We catch up with Eric Napper of ABC Australia to discuss how the company have adapted during the Covid19 Pandemic and the opportunities they see going forward.
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We hear how the Covid19 outbreak has affected their business and what the biggest challenges they have faced have been.
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In this IABM TV interview, Philippe Petitpont (CEO, Co-Founder, Newsbridge) discusses Newsbridge's cloud newsroom and how it is redefining the way journalists are working.
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In this IABM TV interview, John O’Loan (CEO, iOMedia Group Ltd) discusses LNS and what makes it unique.
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In this IABM TV interview, Gabriel Janko (Sales Director, Octopus Newsroom) discusses some of their latest products & solutions.
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We spoke with Andreas Pongratz, founder and CEO of information technology, about the company’s™ AI based live story research tool, which the company says is transforming the way journalists work by monitoring a wide range of different sources (news agencies, social media sites, web and internal sources) all on one screen. It’s all about giving journalists the tools to find, follow, collect and share all the latest information to deliver better and faster journalism.
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All news organizations –
broadcast, cable, print, digital native, radio – have become multimedia platforms, and they compete not just against each other but against every other form of screen time.
What news organizations really need to focus on – more than ever – are the dramatic shifts in audience behavior and the fierce competition for screen time. They need the agility to experiment with different platforms, formats and tones of voice in order to reach fickle young audiences.
Recent studies by the Reuters Institute and SmithGeiger, an international research and consulting company, underscore the need for media companies to make their products more relevant and fun – and more readily available.
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