Ga Mon004 - IABM Single BaM Product

Ga Mon004 - IABM Single BaM Product




Modern Loudspeaker Drive Units:The newly designed drive units fitted in the GS-MON004 were originally manufactured as full range drive units in flat screen televisions. They have ultra modern Neodymium magnets with reasonably low tesla magnetic induction properties.

Class D Amplifiers:Each loudspeaker is driven from a new design of Class D amplifier. These amplifiers provide low distortion & low noise outputs.  Four watts RMS is provided into each loudspeaker and the peak output is electronically limited to 5 watts.

Inbuilt Loudspeaker Protection:A compressor limiter circuit is provided to prevent overload and damage to the loudspeaker drivers by exceptionally high audio levels. One compressor/ limiter is provided for each loudspeaker and they have been carefully designed not to taint the audio during normal operating levels.

Stereo Inputs For Each Channel:A total of 8 audio inputs are provided for the 4 loudspeakers.  Each loudspeaker is driven from 2 audio inputs mixed together, this allows the easy monitoring of stereo signals on the unit. All the audio inputs are electronically balanced on rear panel XLRs.

Channel Mute Switch:Each channel has its own illuminated mute switch. This allows a quick and easy way for an operator to turn the audio off from one (or more ) loudspeakers.

Presence & Peak LEDs:Presence LEDs are provided for each loudspeaker input. These LEDs illuminate when incoming audio is detected and this provides a helpful aid to an operator to know which audio circuit is currently active. Peak LEDs are also provided and these illuminate when the input level reaches a high level.

Headphone Output:A front panel 6.35mm TRS headphone jack is provided. If headphones are plugged in then the audio to the loudspeakers is automatically cut.  The headphone output is stereo and it wired such that inputs 1 and 3 feed its left output and 2 and 4 feed the right output channel.

Mains Power Supply:An internal switch mode mains power supply is fitted that is suitable for use Worldwide. The power input is via na industry standard filtered IEC plug.

High Acoustical Output:The modern loudspeaker drive units are capable of providing a high output SPL of 88dB from 1 loudspeaker (at 0.6 metres) or 98dB if all loudspeakers are driven coherently.

Best in Class Frequency Response:Our design provides what we believe is the best in class frequency response from a 4 way 1RU loudspeaker rack. Our acoustical output is within +/-9dB from 22kHz down to 120Hz. The flat mid range and extended LF provide a noticeable improvement in audio clarity

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