Compliance Recording - IABM BaM Product Category

Compliance Recording - IABM BaM Product Category

BaM Shop:
Compliance recording

Compliance recording

Automated recording of linear radio and television channels as-broadcast for review, regulatory compliance and advertising validation.

Bluefish444 Epoch | 4K Neutron

4K, 2K, HD & SD video and audio I/O card for professional video workflows


The Global Leader For Compliance


AI Empowered Compliance Logging and Broadcast Monitoring System

Matrox DSX LE5 12G

Half-length PCI Express card offering multi-channel reconfigurable 12G/3G SDI I/O for HD and 4K

Visual Data

Visual Data is a global provider of end-to-end digital media supply chain services.

QuickEdge Automation

An automation solution designed for the highest uptime and based on a secure Linux based architectur

Matrox X.mio3 FH

Multi-channel reconfigurable SDI I/O with hardware processing

Matrox DSX LE5 ST 2110 Network Cards

ST 2110 quad 25 GbE and dual 25 GbE network adapters for IP workflows from HD to 4K

Matrox DSX LE4 BNC

Reconfigurable Multi-channel SDI card with full size BNC

Matrox DSX LE4 LP

Multi-channel reconfigurable SDI I/O low-profile card

Matrox X.mio3 LP

Multi-channel reconfigurable SDI I/O low profile with hardware processing

Matrox M264 Family

Instant density and quality boost for H.264 encoding and decoding