Dalet News Wire - IABM Single BaM Product

Dalet News Wire - IABM Single BaM Product

Dalet News Wire

Dalet News Wire


Manage end-to-end TV, radio, digital and social media news production Dalet News Wire is Dalet Newsroom Computer System (NRCS), the only fully integrated news system that meets the challenge of media convergence. In a single system, Dalet News Wire manages end-to-end TV, radio, digital and social media news production.

This powerful module covers all the needs of a newsroom, from scheduling, job assignment, wire ingest, scripting to social media integration. To foster collaboration and offer a cohesive workflow, Dalet News Wire is directly connected to the desktop production tools and shares the same media database. Boasting integration with third-party systems, Dalet News Wire story-centric workflow tools increase productivity and maximize content value through easy content repurposing on multiple devices.

Connect your Newsroom to the World In addition to traditional agency wire feeds, Dalet News Wire allows you to capitalize on user-generated content (UGC) and to engage your audience on a deeper and more personal level. To take full advantage of the incoming value-added content in a way that enhances overall productivity, Dalet News Wire delivers efficient tools that fully integrate into existing workflows.

From capture to multi-platform distribution, it offers a complete solution to leverage social media. Compelling stories are created using a mix of user-generated content and professionally gathered content before being easily distributed to traditional and new media channels.

Scheduling Editors model their timetable with program slots for a given period, insert scripts or blocks based on templates, manage timings and assign studios. Dalet News Wire allows for economies of scales as multiple sites and channels can be managed from a central location.

Planning & Assignment Editors create events on specific subjects for which journalists receive job assignments along with valuable information such as descriptions, associated wires, linked media or PDF, URLs and more. When inserted into a rundown, all related stories created by journalists are automatically inserted pending editor’s validation.

Notifications & Chat Dalet notification engine sends assignments directly to journalists’ desktops. Other notifications can be set up to notify incoming wires, approval or rejection of submitted stories. An instant messaging feature allows for fast information and links exchanges.

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