Portaprompt prompting kit
Portaprompt prompting kit

From our WinDigi prompting software which is fully compliant ENPS / MoS and IP ready through our full range of Microprompt and Tablet Prompters, mid budget on cameras Fusion Range to our broadcast Premium and Quasar ranges and live event conference prompting systems with our world famous motorised poles systems -WinDigi Prompting PC Software in Lite, Lite Plus, Full and Full Newsroom implementations – The 365 Tablet prompting rig and 465 Microprompt with 7″ or 10″ prompters display for PC workflows -Fusion and Flipping Fusion mid budget on camera prompting rigs with 15″, 17″ and 19″ displays – Premium and Quasar prompting displays and rigs for Broadcast usage with screen sizes in 12″. 15″, 17″, 19″, 21″ and 24″ with SDI and IP integration – Motorised and Telescopic Conference Poles for Live Event and Awards Events
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Portaprompt prompting kit
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