Tria News - IABM Single BaM Product

Tria News - IABM Single BaM Product

Tria News

Tria News


From four independent PGM playout channels, this news playout server provides predictable and precise clip playout during live news shows. This server is built upon the robust and proven Abekas Tria server platform, which provides true hardware reliability and an intuitive software interface.

Tria News is tightly integrated with Ross Video’s Inception newsroom computer system, Streamline media asset management and OverDrive automated production control platform. With this seamless and comprehensive newsroom ecosystem, it’s easy to organize newsroom media assets, create and manage run-down playlists, and present news story play out from Tria News. This system also uses well-established and proven MOS newsroom processes, providing reliable and worry-free live operations.

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