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FocalPoint Server (FPS)
FPS software helps users manage their content and applications across multiple productions or jobs.
Frequency converters
Convert signals from baseband 70/140MHz through L-Band to/from the transmit/receive bands.
Fresco-Atom is a flexible embedded OS multiviewer system which supports up to 16 3G/HD/SD-SDI inputs
Fulcrum ATM/12G – New generation 4K/3G/HD recording and replay server
Affordable and powerful server provides 11Rec+2Play+11Search in 3G/HD and 4Rec+2Play+4Search in 4K
Generate Sport Highlights Quickly with AthenasOwl Smart Catalog
Generate highlight-worthy moments from sports content quickly with AI-driven meta-tagging solutions.
STRYME’s 2U high-tech video server with up to 16 HD or 4 UHD channels