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TVU Anywhere

Turns your smartphone or laptop instantly into a live video streaming device for social media & CDNs


Cellular, satellite and microwave live video transmitter designed for fixed deployment in vehicles


Portable HEVC/H.265 cellular backpack transmitter delivers HD picture quality at ultra low latency.

Type R

Type R is a modular, expandable, IP-based radio system from Calrec Audio.

Versio™ Control

Configurable Master Control Dashboards

Viz Libero

Viz Libero – Immersive Sports Analysis

Viz Mosart

Viz Mosart represents the best of simplified automated operation and advanced device control.

Viz Mosart 4

Live production tool that changes the studio production dynamic by adding live IP video support.

Viz Trio

Control your live graphics with the world’s most advanced CG

Viz Virtual Studio

Advanced live virtual sets and AR graphics – Viz Virtual Studio

VSM IP Broadcast Control and Workflow Solution

Vendor-agnostic control, monitoring & integration of broadcast equipment and third-party devices.

VX Platform

VX is an open media technology software platform built for today’s and future broadcast workflows