Streaming Tv Apps 2 - IABM Single BaM Product

Streaming Tv Apps 2 - IABM Single BaM Product

Streaming Tv Apps

Streaming Tv Apps


Norigin Media develops, evolves, and maintains your video streaming apps – whether you prefer to outsource, insource, or a combination of both. This offers:

  • Fully Customisable design: Norigin Media translates your design into ready-made integrations. The flexible micro modular UI components adapt to the chosen device and help create custom-designed user interfaces, with a native feel across all devices.

  • Proven Technology: Norigin Media TV App Framework includes analytics, player, and content integrations, specifically for each device or platform. This framework is used by many confirming its high quality of it.

  • Developers’ Experience: Norigin Media offers a cross-functional team to develop your streaming service on your desired devices, using a single codebase.

We deliver an outstanding platform that lets you get up and running in no time—and with minimal effort on your end on any device around the world.

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