Game of Insights: The Five Steps You Need to Follow to Drive Retention Using Video Analytics

Game of Insights: The Five Steps You Need to Follow to Drive Retention Using Video Analytics

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Game of Insights: The Five Steps You Need to Follow to Drive Retention Using Video Analytics

White Paper from NPAW

Wed 05, 05 2021

How marketing managers can increase perceived value by turning platform data into actionable intelligence

This white paper will show marketing managers how to use platform data to proactively address user retention, and where data intelligence can boost retention by encouraging deeper engagement.

- Subscriber Retention = Content + Experience

  • Step 1: Identify Your Key Metrics
  • Step 2: Deploy Smart Data Analytics to Boost Retention
  • Step 3: Adopt Intelligent Segmentation Based on Actionable Insights
  • Step 4: Take Action Based on Integrated Video Intelligence
  • Step 5: Optimize for Future Success

- The Future of Streaming Will Be Data Driven

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