In Conversation with Asharq News and Newsbridge

In Conversation with Asharq News and Newsbridge

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In Conversation with Asharq News and Newsbridge

Tue 31, 08 2021

In this IABM TV interview, we are joined by Kathey Battrick (Senior Manager – Library & Media Management at Asharq News), Philippe Petitpont (CEO at Newsbridge) and Rachel Cooper (Marcom Manager at Newsbridge).

During the interview, we discuss how Asharq News came to Newsbridge looking for an AI based indexing service solution. We hear what the initial objectives were along with the industry trends driving the need for this solution. Kathey talks us through how they discovered Newsbridge and why they chose to use them. We also look back at the initial objectives to see where they are now with the project and hear stats around the success.

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