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Consulting and Integration services

With a team of 15 specialists from different fields around video and audio we can help you.

All-in-one, off-the-shelf headend for one-way and two-way CAS use cases including multi-DRM support

Content Acquisition Portal

Automated Work Order to manage planning, acquiring, evaluating, cataloguing and scheduling content

Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Gets content to your users faster and more reliably than traditional networking solutions

Content Migration to Cloud with AthenasOwl Smart Workflows
Automatically detect duplicate versions of videos within archived content using AI powered solutions

ContentWise Analytics
Forecast UX KPI’s, compare personalization recipes, identify cohorts, predict catalog performance

ContentWise UX Engine
UX Engine adapts every interaction to match user tastes and intent with bespoke personalization

Creative Cloud

Creativity for all – Photography. Video. Design. UX. 3D & AR. Creative Cloud has everything you need

Creative Design

Adapting technology to suit human behaviour to deliver great interfaces, portals and products.

CRS – Capture & Replay System
Captures and replays pcap files up to 20GB. Data rates up to 100G and PTP capture timestamps.

Transport Stream Converter. Four channels in a single 1 U chassis.
ASI to TSoIP or TSoIP to ASI.

Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC) services

Real-time forensic security analysis from the most accredited Cloud and Network provider in the UK.