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IN2IT social
Create the best stories from newsworthy social media content.

Ines INES is a software to manage telephone calls for radio and television talk shows.

Infinite Platform

An end-to-end cloud video platform to distribute, secure, and monetize content to any screen.

NAGRA Insight helps operators make better strategic decisions, drive their business more effectively

Interactive Audience Services
The technology behind public voting for TV and audience interaction.

Interoperable Master Format (IMF)

IMF support within CLEAR includes the ability to create deliverables for different platforms.

Interra Baton & Orion, Root6, Vecima

Baton Automated Content QC
Orion & Orion OTT Monitoring & Service QC
Root 6 Video Workflow

Intertrust ExpressPlay Anti-Piracy and Watermarking
Forensic Watermarking, Piracy Monitoring and Identification

Intertrust ExpressPlay DRM
Cloud-based multi-DRM service

Intertrust ExpressPlay DRM Offline
Secure offline streaming for travel and in-transit content services