Woody Outgest - IABM Single BaM Product

Woody Outgest - IABM Single BaM Product

IN2IT live

IN2IT live


Managing the capture of live feeds has never been easier.

IN2IT live is the ultimate solution to capture live events and deliver them to your users for logging and editing. You can finally handle SDI, NDI and web sources with a single tool!

Live streams, remote interviews, screen capture are ingested to your central storage and referenced into your Media Asset management platform in optimal quality and in a short amount of time.

IN2IT live is an open solution. It integrates with mos of the popular post production solutions on the market including Avid MediaCentral, Dalet Galexy or Grass Valley Stratus.

Record, schedule and collaborate, even remotely

Multiple operators can collaborate from any location thanks to the IN2IT live web-bases user interface. IN2IT live manages crash recording and tasks scheduling, across multiple physisal or virtual video servers.

Operators can enrich the assets with additional metadata. They get real-time monitoring of recording and transfers to the central production environment.

Multiple ingest profiles can be create to enable various workflows witht the same infrastructure.

Remote interviews and web streams ingest drastically simplified

IN2IT live supports natively Newtek’s NDI protocol. It enables recording from network cameras, mobile apps and remote interviews. Skype and Teams support NDI output and allow you to record any participant feed in one click.

IN2IT live also supports a wide range of streaming protocols. It makes it really easy to get any web live stream available for your editing teams!

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