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Maxiva™ UAXT Ultra-Compact / VAXT Ultra-Compact
Low Power UHF/VHF Transmitter / Transposer / Gap Filler for TV & DAB/DAB+/DMB Applications

High-Efficiency VHF Low Band & High Band Air-Cooled TV & DAB Transmitters

mc²36 Audio Production Console
Big Performance, Compact Size: Lawo Introduces mc²36 in a 48-Fader Layout

mc²96 Grand Production Console
The mc²96 Grand Production Console. Designed for those who can tell the difference.

MCU-400 Multi-camera Control Unit
Long distance control up to 4 BC-100 cameras with 8 fast setup features.

MediaCento HDMI-over-IP
Display high quality content from any source to multi-screen display walls, in any configuration.

MS-2850 HD/SD 8/12-Channel Mobile Video Studio
All-in-one video production studio in rugged flyaway case.

MS-3200 HD 12-Channel Mobile Video Studio
All-in-one video production studio in rugged flyaway case for large-sized productions.

Neuron IP processing
The Neuron platform offers the most powerful processing capabilities in the industry.