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Actus Technical Monitoring – Alert Center and TS analysis
Real time alerts on audio and video issues: no audio, no video, frozen image, loss of CC, etc

Ad Break Distillery™
Ad Break Distillery detects precise start and end times of ad breaks in video content.

Adaptive NightVision
An innovative solution to address situations where video content is not bright enough for the screen

High Performance IP KVM control of devices anywhere on your network, anywhere in the world.

ADDERView® CCS-MV Series
Multi-viewer switches that share 4K video, keyboard, mouse, and audio, between 4 to 8 computers.

Advanced Replay
Live production, streaming, clipping and multiplatform publishing SaaS solution.

AFC Robotic Heads
Capture the action with the AFC head, from studio camera’s to live events and sports production

Agama Enterprise
Top-level umbrella system providing role-based user interfaces and application framework.