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Quad 4.3″ 16:9 Widescreen LCD Video Monitor, 3G/HD/SD-SDI, Composite. Audio/Video Metering. 2RU.

17″ LCD Video Monitor, Dual I/P 3G/HD/SD-SDI, Composite, Component, HDMI. Audio/Video Metering.

Robotic Camera Control and Manual Camera Support

Shotoku is a leader in the deisgn and manufacture of robotic and manual camera support systems

Rode RODELink Filmmaker Kit
Rode RODELink Filmmaker Kit Digital Camera-Mount Wireless Omni Lavalier Microphone System (2.4 GHz).

Rode Wireless GO II | Dual Wireless Mic System
2-Person Compact Digital Wireless Microphone System/Recorder (2.4 GHz, Black)

Roku TV App Development
Expand your audience reach with a Roku TV app, one of the most popular solutions in the US.

RTM – Real-Time Quality Monitoring and Recording
RTM detects and records faults in video, audio, loudness, and lip sync while logging quality levels.

S20PT50VR Head & Pedestal VR Tracking System
This head & pedestal VR tracking system adopts 23 bit absolute value encoder and full CNC processing

With direction adjustable dolly, suitable for studio high definition video camera.

S40VR Virtual Head Tracking System
Payload 40KG, full-CNC processing, 23 bit absolute encoder with very high tracking resolution.

A unique combination of server-side technologies to give service providers control of ABR delivery