Your Data Is in the Cloud, but How Did It Get There?

Your Data Is in the Cloud, but How Did It Get There?


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Your Data Is in the Cloud, but How Did It Get There?

By Samantha Sjodin, Content Marketer, FileCatalyst

Tue 15, 09 2020

As a society, we rely more and more on cloud storage as time goes on. The year 2020 has truly opened our eyes, Bird Box style, to the full potential of the cloud and its importance in the world of technology. Without it, working remotely would be an altogether different type of challenge then it currently is today. When the cloud was developed and eventually promoted to the public in 2006, it wasn’t completely taken seriously. When you thought of the cloud, it was considered an unsafe method of storage and practically useless to the average individual.

Now, it’s a very different story. Cloud storage is as basic as our daily dose of vitamin C, and it’s time that it is shared more transparently, just how your data migration takes place and what you need to accelerate those file transfers.

While the cloud itself is a much safer storage method now than it was when it first arrived on the scene, there are still unsafe access points where your data could be compromised. There are solutions available that will shelter your data as it’s on it’s way to the cloud. It is important to research solution methods that will alleviate the stress of migrating your data into public cloud-based object storage.

The cloud storage options that you will most likely come across first are AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. These are by far the most popular choices in public cloud storage. Invest in a solution that you know will pair with these platforms or offer you the ability to leverage any other cloud computing platform using a Bring Your Own License (BYOL) model. FileCatalyst Direct integrates natively with these providers as well as others with speeds of up to 5 Gbps. FileCatalyst also offers a BYOL model, per-hour, and per-GB consumption-based billing across various clouds, providing flexible licensing options for short or long-term projects.

At the end of the day, it’s essential to understand that your data needs to be moved in order to be stored in the cloud. One step does not exist without the other. Whether you are in an industry where time is of the essence or you simply just need to establish efficiency within your workflows, a fast file transfer solution is what will help you complete your cloud migration tasks.

Having the right solution will be a game-changer for moving your data to the cloud. Why not select a cloud migration solution that will provide you with features including automation, native cloud storage integration, and an extensive SDK for integrating accelerated transfers into your own applications.

Now that you know how your data is getting to the cloud. The next question is, what are you going to do with that information? Consider your company’s future and save yourself grief and time. Choose the best file transfer solution that will provide you with the flexible licensing options you need and the accelerated transfer speeds to get the job done at the fastest speeds possible.

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