Alex4D Animation Transitions for Final Cut Pro X

Alex4D Animation Transitions for Final Cut Pro X

Alex4D Animation Transitions for Final Cut Pro X

Alex4D Animation Transitions for Final Cut Pro X


Alex4D Animation Transitions is a pack of Final Cut Pro X transitions you can use to easily animate graphics, text and clips onto and off the screen.

Add instant character to logos, text, graphic elements and even video clips by springing, bouncing, sliding and skidding them onto and off the screen.

Easy to apply, easy to make changes without having to work with keyframes.

As well as working in 16:9 for HD and 4K video, Alex4D Animation Transitions work in any aspect ratio from super-wide (48:9) to super tall (9:48). This is specially useful when making videos for social media services that require square and vertical video such as Instagram, Twitter, Apple News and IG TV.

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