Creativity Can’t Take Place in Silos

Creativity Can’t Take Place in Silos

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Creativity Can’t Take Place in Silos

White Paper from pixitmedia

Fri 13, 08 2021

Media & Entertainment production houses have a high-priority job to do - feeding the creative process, VFX artists, render farms, grading and finishing without delaying any of the process through administration.

These facilities will have many creative disciplines, many different types of software and often a lot of technology and storage islands to service them all. Storage islands, such as a full Storage Area Network (SAN) or SAN-in-a-can applications, can result in huge amounts of duplication and time spent data wrangling. This problem is compounded as there will be a constant pressure to stop these buckets of storage from overflowing as these facilities work on multiple shots, scenes and projects concurrently.

This whitepaper will explore the current status-quo for production houses, the ‘why’ behind the industry trust in SANs, and how moving to technologies, such as NAS, can liberate data and media workflows.

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